I woke up in the middle of the night in some discomfort. I think what must have happened was I inadvertently stretched the big toe where I had surgery in my sleep. It was pretty unpleasant, but it soon subsided and I went off to sleep again.
This morning my spirits are pretty low, as I had planned a big day celebrating in friends from near and far and having a picnic then heading to a party this evening. As it is, I'm stuck home and all my friends are out celebrating without me.
This is pretty difficult for me as the last couple of years have been incredibly isolating. My relationship broke down, we had endless lock-downs, I moved house a couple of times, and my dog has had cancer and surgery and is quite elderly now, my mum has been diagnosed with Alzheimers and I'm feeling like she's becoming less and less present. Some friends were coming from London and I was looking forward to being 'normal' again. Alas, it wasn't to be.
But when I was offered the surgery, I just went for it, and that meant keeping myself isolated for a week before the surgery to make sure I was covid free, and now being isolated because of the foot surgery. BUT IT WILL PASS. And I really hope to be able to recover the ability to walk again. Walking has been SO important all my life to my feelings of well-being. So I hope that by having this surgery - and then maybe getting the knee issues sorted out - I will be able to walk further and for longer and pain-free.
One good thing with all this - the knee sure feels better!
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